2nd annual Call for Proposals: Build Solidarity Grants
Deadline: 11-Mar-22
The Act Together for Inclusion Fund (ACTIF) has announced the launch of its second annual Call for Proposals: Build Solidarity.
ACTIF’s objective is to advance the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, two-spirit and intersex (LGBTQ2I) persons in countries in the Global South, and specifically those eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA). ACTIF will fund projects designed and managed through a partnership between Canadian LGBTQ2I and Southern organizations. It aims to foster solidarity between LGBTQ2I movements in the Global South and Canada.
Funding Information
Organizations can apply for funding between c. The duration of projects is between 24 to 36 months.
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Commandez MaintenantWhat will ACTIF Fund?
ACTIF will fund activities that contribute to one or more of the following intermediate outcomes. Organizations can adapt these outcomes to better respond to the priorities identified with their partners.
Stronger and more resilient Southern LGBTQ2I organizations– Improved sustainability of local LGBTQ2I’s rights organizations in the Global South.
Stronger and greater reach of LGBTQ2I movements in the Global South.
Increased collective and self-care for LGBTQ2I activists and organizations, which in turn will strengthen movements.
Increased participation and leadership of trans, two-spirit, and/or intersex people, and/or bisexual, queer and lesbian women or targeted approaches addressing their needs.
Changing social norms or community acceptance on LGBTQ2I issues – through diverse approaches, such as using arts and culture, media and journalism.
Increased advocacy, influence and allies with government and other sectors leading to change in policy or practice.
Reduced discrimination and violence or increased mechanisms of prevention, protection and response to SOGIESC discrimination and violence.
Increased economic opportunities and resilience and access to decent work for LGBTQ2I persons.
Increased access to a full range of sexual and reproductive health services.
Guiding Principles
‘Do No Harm’
Indivisibility of Human Rights
Eligibility Criteria
ACTIF will support projects designed and implemented by Canadian and Southern partnerships.
Legal status and governance of Canadian applicants;
Capacity of Canadian and Southern organizations;
Credibility of Canadian organization with a track record of working on LGBTQ2I issues
Southern civil society organizations with a track record of working on LGBTQ2I issues and registered or established in ODA eligible countries.
Solidarity based approach of the partnership
Canadian organizations applying to the Fund without a Southern partner;
Southern organizations applying directly to the Fund without a Canadian partner;
University, college, or other academic institutions or private institutions;
What is not eligible for funding?
Projects in non-ODA eligible countries
Private business or profit-making efforts (including business development)
Individual projects (including graduate research and fellowships)
Efforts that endorse candidates for public office (including political parties and election campaigns)
Capital campaigns, endowments, or deficit financing
Research projects or one-time events as the core purpose of the project
Projects taking place entirely in Canada
For more information, visit https://equitas.org/where-we-work/internationally-act-together-for-inclusion-fund/call-for-proposals/