2022 Mazda Foundation Grant Program in Australia

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2022 Mazda Foundation Grant Program in Australia

Deadline: 30-Sep-22

The Mazda Foundation is inviting applications from community based organisations with projects supporting primary producers facing hardship.

The Mazda Foundation was established in 1990 as a public charitable trust to assist a broad cross-section of worthy charitable entities and causes throughout Australia which qualify for income tax deductibility for gifts under what is now item 1 of the table in Section 30- 15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, formerly Section 78 (1) of the Tax Act 1936. In addition, eligible recipients of grants by Mazda Foundation must now be endorsed as deductible gift recipients under the provisions of subdivision 30-BA of the Tax Act.

In 1960, Mazda began operations in Australia, with the stated philosophy of “the enrichment of life and the achievement of excellence”. Throughout the ensuing years, Mazda has developed a marque of truly outstanding motor vehicles characterized by technological innovation and superb quality.

Mazda has also participated in the community beyond the traditional role of an automotive organization: since its inception, Mazda has fostered a spirit of community involvement. It is from this that the concept of the Mazda Foundation emerged.

Foundation Objectives

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The Mazda Foundation’s aims and objectives include (but are not limited to) the provision of financial aid to funds, authorities, and institutions which qualify for income tax deductibility for gifts and which provide:
assistance to young people through education and employment skills development, with particular emphasis on children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
assistance in the advancement of education and achievement of excellence at all levels in the community.
assistance in the development of technology, to help improve Australia’s international competitiveness.
assistance towards the maintenance and improvement of the natural environment.
assistance to address community needs identified by the Mazda Foundation from time to time.
assistance in research, feasibility, surveys and other background work about any of the above aims and objectives.
Substantial contributions to the Mazda Foundation have been made by Mazda Motor Corporation, Japan, and Mazda Australia. Further contributions continue to be made by Mazda Australia, supported by the Mazda Dealer Network.

If lodging a Project Notification Form, please note that:
the project must fall within the Foundation’s nominated priority area;
the organization must be an eligible recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act;
the project must be consistent with the broader aims and objectives of the Foundation (published on this website), and all areas of the attached form must be completed.
The Foundation will acknowledge receipt of the Project Notification form, but this should not be seen as in any way indicating that the request for consideration will progress further.
For more information, visit https://mazdafoundation.org.au/obtaining-funding/

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